“SunSeas Business Group” is an international business-trading group specializing in the creation of a connection between the best suppliers of raw materials and industrial factories, extending their products market, investing and financing on their projects for growth in the global market and development at world-wide scales.
“SunSeas Business Group”, also helps the domestic industries in order to develop their market and introduce Iranian goods feature to the world and also the demonstration of the capabilities of Iranian producers. In fact, “SunSeas Business Group”, act as a bridge between industries and markets.
Our main task is to supply raw materials for industries, market expansion, and evaluation of new proficient opportunities.
We attempt to import the raw material and export Iranian goods. This export generally is consisted of raw materials to the Middle East Countries, Chinese, Malaysian, and German traders. But our main goal is attempting to export Iranian made goods with high quality to all over the world.
“SunSeas Business Group”, decided to establish an activate new export department focusing on specific goods such as Dried Nuts, Dates, Fruits, and so on, in order to introduce Iranian high-quality merchandises to the world.
Now, we have a new brand to export Dates to all over the world named “Nakhil Dates“. And also, on the road to export Date products, we made “GreenPalm” brand. Finally, we established “PersiaNuts” brand to export all kind of Dried Nuts.
We truly believe that our country, Iran, can be the central point of international trades and all attempts of “SunSeas Business Group” pursues this goal by implementing the tools of respecting the costumes law, truthfulness and swiftness.
Once, Iran was the main path of International Trading, we can recreate those days through hard working, uprightness, and self-belive.